
GermanyfacedtournamenthostsBrazilintheirsemi-finalgame,on8JulyinBeloHorizonte.InaresultdescribedbyBBCSport'sPhilMcNultyin2019asa ...,2022年7月8日—ThiseditionlooksbackatMineiraço:AgonyofMineirão,inwhichBrazilsufferedahumiliating7-1defeattoGermanyontheirownturfinthe ...,GermanycelebrateafterstrikerMiroslavKlose(centre,number11)scoredarecord16thWorldCupgoal,puttinghisteam2–0upagainstBrazil.,2023...

2014 FIFA World Cup final

Germany faced tournament hosts Brazil in their semi-final game, on 8 July in Belo Horizonte. In a result described by BBC Sport's Phil McNulty in 2019 as a ...

About That Game: Brazil 1-7 Germany (2014)

2022年7月8日 — This edition looks back at Mineiraço: Agony of Mineirão, in which Brazil suffered a humiliating 7-1 defeat to Germany on their own turf in the ...

Brazil v Germany (2014 FIFA World Cup)

Germany celebrate after striker Miroslav Klose (centre, number 11) scored a record 16th World Cup goal, putting his team 2–0 up against Brazil.

Germany 7

2023年5月16日 — Game summary of the Germany vs. Brazil Fifa World Cup game, final score 7-1, from July 8, 2014 on ESPN.

Seven-up Germany stun hosts Brazil (7)

For the record, Germany are alone in scoring seven goals in a World Cup semi-final. Miroslav Klose netted the second to move one ahead of 15-goal Brazil ...

Starting Lineups - Brazil vs Germany

View the starting lineups and subs for the Brazil vs Germany match on 08.07.2014, plus access full match preview and predictions.